DEAR SELF: LOVE, SELF

Dear lovely self, you are breathtakingly beautiful, intelligent, courageous, and unstoppable. Don't let the world get the best of you. Allow the storm to pass you by. Make sure you don't lose your voice. Don't go with the flow. Be your own definition of attractive, intelligent, and courageous. Allowing the world's standards and validations to change You is a mistake. Don't let yourself go.

But most importantly, remember that you must grow, study, make decisions for yourself, shine, love, and live. Allow no one to hold you back. You have the option of being anyone you want to be. Don't succumb to defeat. Don't chose to give up. Don't choose to live like the rest of the world. Don't settle with mediocrity.

Dear Self, To feel significant, you don't have to be flawless, you don't have to seek approval from others, and you don't have to fit in. All you have to do now is be yourself.Dear self, you have forgiven everyone who has wronged, misled, or deceived you. It's time to forgive yourself for hugging those who stabbed you in the back and eating with those who abandoned you. It's past time for you to quit berating yourself. 

It's time to let go of your self-loathing. It's fine if you haven't figured it out yet, dear self. The components will fall into place on their own. Stop comparing yourself to other people. You must only concentrate on becoming a better version of yourself because you are the only one who can do so.

Choose to love, to live, to explore, to make mistakes, to fall and to stand.

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